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Does your client see the value of your MSP? If not, it’s time to think about your engagement maturity

It’s never enough to have the best tech stack or even service desk team; there's a lesser known but equally important element MSPs need to master in order to achieve massive growth: engagement maturity. 


Why engagement maturity should be on your radar 

Engagement maturity is about evolving your client relationships, and subsequently, your MSP, from chaotic to collaborative and strategic.   

Think of it this way: achieving operational maturity is half of what’s needed to grow your MSP, and engagement maturity is the complementary other half. 

So, what’s needed to attain both operational and engagement maturity? 

Just like your PSA is the key component of your tech stack for operational maturity, a Unified Client Portal that syncs to your PSA is what you need for engagement maturity.  Yin Yang PSA CSA

A Unified Client Portal is the fully integrated home base for your entire tech stack that facilitates service efficiency and client communications.   

Powered by automation, it takes away the friction points of client management, making everything smoother, organized, and consistent.  

The result? A client experience so good that you get more budget out of your existing clients and the tools you need to land more new clients. 

The five levels of engagement maturity 

The five levels of EML are: 

  1. Chaotic – Every MSP starts here and it’s a race to build a client base. How you communicate and the level of service your client receives varies. This level is reactive, sporadic, and disorganized.
  2. Structured – This level is reached when your processes are better organized, which ensures a smooth flow of information and consistent responses to client issues. It saves time for both clients and your service desk, enhances service reliability, and makes operations more predictable. This stage also improves accountability by defining clear roles and expectations. 
  3. Transparent – This level is reached when data is openly shared, streamlining communications and fostering trust. It simplifies interactions, reducing client frustration and demonstrating daily value.

    Transparency also saves time in preparing QBRs and client reporting by making essential information readily available, ensuring that clients can see the continuous benefits of your services. 
  4. Collaborative –This level is characterized by the effective use of a common platform for client engagement, fostering ongoing dialogues and strategic planning together. 

    It shifts the client's perception from seeing your services as merely reactive or break/fix, to recognizing the proactive, growth-focused value you provide. 

    This approach not only aligns information and efforts but also steers clients away from minimal essential spending towards investing in expansive growth opportunities. 
  5. Strategic - This level represents the pinnacle of engagement maturity, where a deep and insightful partnership as a trusted advisor aligns IT services with business goals.

    At this level, you facilitate the discovery of growth opportunities, including higher margins, increased Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), and larger projects. 

    Strategic engagement involves long-term planning and enhanced visibility into operations, helping to consolidate client data for better decision-making. This comprehensive approach solidifies your role as a key player in your client's success. 



Do you need to improve your engagement maturity? 

Improving your engagement maturity is crucial for IT service teams struggling with client management challenges—from clunky ticketing systems to reactive communications.  

Ask yourself: 

“Is it easy for clients to work with us?”  

“Can clients easily add more products and services from us, like Amazon?” 

“Do our services and communication style provide peace of mind?”  

If you’re not sure or answered no, there’s room for improvement. 

Every MSP should prioritize engagement maturity because it directly impacts customer experience, client satisfaction and retention – and therefore, your bottom line.  

By improving engagement maturity, the depth and quality of client relationships also grow, leading to more significant client loyalty and sustained business growth. 


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